Productivity and profitability of chilli as intercrop with sugarcane in different planting system

Md Shariful Islam*, Md Mamunur Rashid and Md Sohrab Hossain 

Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute, Regional Sugarcrop Research Station, Thakurgaon- 102, Bangladesh 

*Corresponding author: 

Article history: Received: 07.01.2021, Accepted: 21.02.2021, Published: Online: 28.02.2021 

To cite this article: Islam MS,Rashid MM and Hossain MS. 2021. Productivity and profitability of chilli and intercrop with sugarcane in different planting system. Intl. J. Agric. Med. Plants. 2(1): 16-20.


A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the productivity and profitability of intercropped chilli with sugarcane during 2016-17 cropping season in farmers’ field of Thakurgaon sugar mills area under Old Himalayan Piedmont Plain Soils (AEZ-1). The treatments were T1: Single row cane (SRC) sole, T2: Paired row cane (PRC) sole, T3: SRC (75 cm)+1 line chilli, T4: SRC (75 cm)+2 lines chilli, T5: SRC (100 cm)+1 line chilli, T6: SRC (100 cm)+2 lines chilli, T7:  PRC+2 lines chilli and T8:  PRC + 3 lines chilli. The sugarcane variety was Isd 37 and chilli variety was BARI morich -1. Results revealed that the highest number of tiller (166.00 ´ 103 ha-1), millable cane (110.00×103 ha-1), stalk height (3.35 m) and stalk diameter (2.31cm) were obtained in T1 treatment. No significant effect was found in Brix and the highest cane yield (99.44 t ha-1) was also obtained in T1. The highest chilli yield (5.95 t ha-1) was obtained from T8 treatment and the highest equivalent cane yield of intercrop (59.09 t ha-1) was found in T6 treatment. The highest benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 2.75 was found in T5 treatment and the lowest of 2.07 was found in T2 treatment. Therefore, growing single row cane with chilli might be profitable for sugarcane farming in Old Himalayan Piedmont Plain Soil in Northern Region of Bangladesh. 

Keywords: Benefit cost ratio, chilli, intercropping, sugarcane, yield 


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